Food Waste Management

The US EPA estimates that food waste comprises 15% of the municipal solid waste stream yet only 5% is diverted from landfills. The US food waste market is estimated to be a $65.8 million market that is virtually untapped. cb beal consulting has the expertise to assess, design and promote a successful food waste recycling program.



Whether it’s a residential, institutional or a small business collection program, cb beal consulting has the expertise to assist in the development of a cost effective and operationally efficient program for you and your customers.



What technology is best; composting, aerobic or anaerobic digester? Let cb beal consulting assist in the evaluation of the optimal disposal technology. Land availability, regulatory requirements and the transportation network are all relevant factors.



cb beal consulting has the range of expertise to evaluate the potential market for food waste recycling in your area. Focusing the collection program on the optimal segment of the food waste market will ensure that your program is successful.