food waste
Developed a low capital food waste collection program for a not-for-profit entity
Assisted independent solid waste firm in the development of food waste collection program
Developed food waste market assessment and collection business plan for small solid waste firm
Provided strategic consulting to craft brewers for grain recycling
collection agreements
Assisted over 30 units of local government, including cities, villages and special districts, in securing residential and commercial solid waste and recycling contracts. The methods utilized included; Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposals, and negotiations.
Provided advisory services to the City of Chicago analyzing the feasibility of developing a comprehensive franchise for commercial and institutional solid waste and recycling.
Analyzed the City of Chicago's in-house solid waste and recycling collection costs and provided recommendations for cost savings.
Provided advisory services to a municipality for the review of a "green-field" landfill. Services included host agreement development, permit review, and siting hearing support.
Provided advisory services to a municipality for the review of a landfill expansion. Services included host agreement development, permit review, and siting hearing support.
Analyzed a private landfill's solid waste stream intake to provide data to reduce their liability in a permit violation fine.
Conducted Host Agreement evaluation for a local government finding numerous payment shortfalls totaling of over $500,000 for 5 year period.
Assisted a unit of local government in expanding a County owned landfill providing for an additional 20-years landfill capacity.
Assisted the City of Chicago in the review of privatizing three City owned Material Recovery Facilities\Transfer Stations. Services included qualifying credible vendors, contract negotiation with vendors, and overseeing other technical consultants.
Assisted a private equity firm in evaluating the privatization or purchase of a public sector solid waste system and modeled operating costs for the system and the potential return on investment.
transfer stations
Performed a transfer station site selection analysis in the City of Chicago for a private sector firm that reviewed over 30 sites that analyzed permitting, development cost estimates, and implementation timeline.
Developed a solid waste market “needs analysis” for a transfer station in suburban Chicago for a private sector firm, which was used in a local siting petition.
Conducted a siting review analysis for a municipality concerning the development of a solid waste transfer station, areas of concentration were need for the facility and compliance with the county solid waste plan.
Reviewed a municipal owned site for the possible development of a transfer station and also conducted a feasibility analysis of the cost effectiveness of the proposed project.
Provided advisory services to a unit of local government concerning the development of a host agreement for a transfer station.
Assisted in the negotiation for the sale of a transfer station development permit to a new entity.
Developed a successful "Green Seal" certification application for a boutique hotel in the City of Chicago.
Provided advisory services to a business association on developing a comprehensive commercial recycling and waste reduction program to bolster environmental and customer awareness.
Developed a Green Economy Market Assessment for a not-for-profit entity.